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2023 Gallery

2023 Winners

Katerina Bartolomei

1st Place Middle School

Tommy Calderwood

2nd Place Middle School

Thomas Hubble

3rd Place Middle School

STEM Expo 2023-32_edited.png

Julia Silvia and Brigitte Goldthorpe

1st Place High School

Video and photography courtesy of DVISION Media

Middle School

1st Place

Katerina Bartolomei (8th Grade, Josiah Bartlett Elementary School)

How the Amount of Force Can Effect the Sound of Drumming

2nd Place

Tommy Calderwood (8th Grade, Josiah Bartlett Elementary School)

Does Time in a Cold Shower Affect Running Exertion?

3rd Place

Thomas Hubble. (8th Grade, Josiah Bartlett Elementary School)

Aspect Vs. Snow Stability

High School

1st Place

Julia Silvia and Brigitte Goldthorpe (12th Grade, Kennett High School)

Affordable Housing in the Mount Washington Valley Area

MWObs Emerging Scientist Awards

Award 1

Adelyn McAllister and Nia Lajoie (8th Grade, A. Crosby Kennett Middle School)

Effects of Detergents on Plants

Award 2

Ashton Ingham (7th Grade, A. Crosby Kennett Middle School)

Does Music Affect People Differently?

Americal Legion Auxiliary Special Awards
(for projects of benefit to Veterans)

Award 1

Julia Silvia (12th Grade, Kennett High School)

Affordable Housing in the Mount Washington Valley Area

Award 2

Brigitte Goldthorpe (12th Grade, Kennett High School)

Affordable Housing in the Mount Washington Valley Area

2023 Projects

"The fertilizing sun"


"The effects of road salt on plants"


"The automatic plant waterer"


"What is the best way to filter water so it is drinkable?"


"Egg-cellent substitutes"


"Allergen alternatives in baking"


"Effects of Detergent on Plants"


"Does music affect people differently?"


"Lizard Maze"


"Does time in a cold shower affect running exertion?"



"How the amount of force can affect the sound of drumming"


"How do guinea pigs react when they are separated?"


"Will an old seed still sprout if it's been frozen?"


"Aspect Vs. Snow Stability"

"Affordable Housing in the Mount Washington Valley Area"


"What is Aquaponic? Is it more sustainable than traditional Agriculture?"


"Self Landing Drones (SLD)"


"Water Desalination"



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