2024 Winners
Elementary School Winners
1st Place
Jeremy LeFebvre (4th Grade, Jackson Grammar School)
How Does the Temperature of a Magnet Affect its Strength?
2nd Place
Nora Darak and Lily Waterhouse (5th grade, Josiah Bartlett Elementary School)
How Do Different Liquids Affect Basil Growth?
3rd Place
Vivian Klein (4th Grade, Jackson Grammar School)
How Different Types of Music Affect the Growth of Plants
Middle School Winners
1st Place
Addy Jaus (6th Grade, Josiah Bartlett Elementary School)
Does Sand and Salt from Roads Affect the Water Quality of the Saco?
2nd Place
Kaelan Leathem (6th Grade, John H. FullerElementary School)
and Emmett O’Brian (Josiah Bartlett Elementary School)
Do Different Balls Bounce Higher Off Different Bats?
3rd Place
Emily Fields (8th Grade, Josiah Bartlett Elementary School)
Filter it Out! Homemade Water Filters.
High School Winners
1st Place
Zoe Groves (11th Grade, Kennett High School)
Color Vision Under Different Light.
2nd Place
Tucker Laughland (9th grade, Kennett High School)
Mind Altering Herbs and their Effect on Ants.
3rd Place
Nia Lajoie and Adelyn McAllister (9th grade, Kennett High School)
How Erosion and Drought Make Your Crops Pout.
MWObs Emerging Scientist Awards
Award 1
Katie Laracy (8th Grade, A. Crosby Kennett Middle School)
Decomposing Plastic
Award 2
Camilla Leiser (5th Grade, John H. Fuller Elementary School)
What Type of Water is Best for Plants?