Frequently Asked Questions
Registration and Eligibility:
Which schools or regions can participate in the STEM Expo?
Students living in the following areas are eligible to participate:
New Hampshire: Albany, Bartlett, Chatham, Conway, Eaton, Freedom, Hart's Location, Madison, or Jackson (SAU #9 and SAU #13 school districts).
Maine: Fryeburg.
Participants can be home-schooled, attend a charter school, or be enrolled in any of the SAU #9, SAU #13, or Fryeburg schools.
What grade levels can participate?
4th to 12th grade.
What are the age categories?
Elementary school: 4th and 5th grade.
Middle school: 6th to 8th grade.
High School: 9th to 12th grade.
First, second, and third prizes are awarded in each category.
How and when do I register?
Registration is available via the link on our home page. Registration opens in October and closes on December 31. If you think you may need to register after December 31, please get in touch with us.
Can I change my registration once I sign up?
Yes! Just get in touch, but remember that you don't need a firm project idea to register.
Will you need any more information from me after I register?
Yes! You'll receive a 'Pre-Event Survey' in early February. This will collect all the final details about your project and your needs for the day. You must fill it out by the deadline!
Your parent or guardian will also fill out a survey at the same time, for information like photo releases and dismissal plans.
About Your Project:
Can I work with a partner?
Yes. Please make sure your partner fills out the registration form themselves too.
Can I submit more than one project, or work with more than one partner?
No—you need to be at your poster to talk to judges. Since you can’t be in two places at once, it’s one project per person or team!
Can I work with a partner in a different grade?
Yes! However, if you work with a partner in a different age CATEGORY you will be judged at the higher age level.
Can I work with a partner from a different school?
If I win a prize with a partner do I share the prize money?
Are there rules about what types of projects are allowed?
Yes! Please check our resources page for rules and guidelines. If you have any questions at all about the suitability of your project, please get in touch.
How can I get help to work on my project?
Check with your school, you may be able to work in class time or with an after-school program. Look out for details of Conway Public Library's February Vacation STEM Expo Camp. You'll also find project guides and resources here.
If I'm working at home with a parent or guardian, are they allowed to help me?
Absolutely! Parents or guardians can be wonderful guides and mentors. They can help by asking thoughtful questions, pointing you toward helpful resources, or offering advice. However, the project should be your work, and it’s important that you understand every part of it. When it’s time to present to the judges, you’ll need to explain your project on your own and answer their questions confidently. Think of your parent or guardian as your coach—you’re the star player!
About The Day:
What will I do on the day of the Expo?​
Setup: You’ll set up your project the day before the Expo—stay tuned for details.
Judging: On Expo day, you’ll chat with judges who’ll check out your poster and ask you questions about your project.
Explore & Share: You’ll have time to explore cool STEM exhibits, see your friends’ projects, and share your project with other visitors.
Keynote & Awards: After lunch, enjoy an inspiring keynote presentation, and stick around to celebrate at the awards ceremony!
Will I get lunch?
Yes, lunch is provided
Can my friends and relatives visit the Expo?
Yes, there will be time for the public to visit. Keep an eye out for the schedule for the day.
How do I get to and from the Expo?
SAU #9 schools will provide busses to and from school. Other attendees may make their own way to and from the event.
More questions?
Please just get in touch!